
Sep 28, 2020

Electronic Records Management Now Plays Bigger Role in Sustaining Business

Knowledge Management is very essential in every organization.  A subset of the Knowledge Management System is Records Management.  Today, we shared a free webinar to cooperatives, to inform and remind them of the value of creating policies for proper handling and management of records from its creation, utilization, retention, and destruction.  Also, part of the objective is to provide a deeper awareness of the significance of not undermining the importance of documentation in any organization.

The training provided an understanding of the scope of Records Management.  The focus of the presentation was on establishing and developing an Electronic Records Management System or automating the data and information management in their cooperative.  Especially now that many have implemented a new working condition of telecommuting or mostly known as Work-from-Home setup.  

Digitization is now the new normal.  In every transactions and activity that we conduct, it surely equates to data and information, and the creation of records.  The bigger a cooperative grows, the bulkier are the records that need to be filed and managed. 

We advise, if you are now designing your Business Continuity Plan or business plans, include in your plan the development of your RMS or EDMS (Electronic Data Management System) because it is key to your business sustainability.  With the presence of documented processes, policies, and procedures, new employees would be able to cope with new tasks and functions even if there are no proper turnovers.  By referring to your standard working operations, they'll gain insights on how to act and work in your organization.

To share, here are the videos of the said training.  It was fed live via the NATCCO KRC page.  If you were not able to see and attend it, you can watch the video here.  Also, we provided a link to the speaker's copy of the presentation for your reference.

Video Recording of KRC's free webinar on Introduction to Records Management

Part 1 

Part 2

The number of registered participants during the said training reached 185 pax in the Google Meet and there are other cooperators who joined through the FB Live feed.  The following images are the GROUP PICTURES of Google Meet participants.

To get a copy of the PowerPoint presentation on Records Management, click on the image below and you will be directed to a google drive.

We hope these materials helped you.  Should you need assistance in setting up your RMS, you may contact NATCCO's Consultancy unit or message us at

Keep safe and stay at home, until the coast is clear.  Have a great day ahead!